Parent Portal Login


Biometric Verification and Registration

The Objective: Implement a fast, secure automated system for collecting wards.

This involves capturing details including biometrics of everyone authorised to collect a child including parents. It removes the burden of identifying authorised collectors and place that challenge on a mature and secure biometric verification system. ATM like self-service equipments (Haven V100) are avaliable where collectors can quickly get verified and issued a barcoded voucher with names, class and pictures of the students they are authorised to collect. This voucher is shown at point of collection and at the guard house before being allowed to exit the school. At the guard house the encoded information within the barcode is read using a barcode reader and time stamped on our database as the time the student left the school. Email and sms notification are immediately sent to the parents.
Parents can interact with the system through our portal, on their android phones or iPhones to delist a collector and raise a secure encrypted code to an emergency collector.

Tracking of School and Student

The Objective: Track and Monitor School Bus, from Pick up to Drop off and Vice Versa

This allows school administrators and parents to monitor real time on a live map via our web portal or on their telephones, (Android and IPhones, blackberry not covered yet but will be available in 2014) etc. School Administrators are able to check driver abuses like over speeding, hard breaking, route detour, unnecessary and unauthorised stops and other fleet management benefits. Students are issued ID cards that will allow them to automatically log in attendance and these same cards are also needed to access the school bus

Know your contacts (KYC)

The Objective: Persons who come into school premises must be known

Collectors known to our system are issued cards that allow them access to the school at defined periods "School hours". This is controlled via an access control system. Unknown visitors are first registered and issued access cards before they can gain access into the school premises. Schools with existing access control system will have the opportunity of integrating such to the central child safety assurance system (School Angel).



Recent Event


We will be demonstrating some of the exciting features of the School Angel Child Safety Assurance System at the exhibiton stand in the conference.

VENUE: Muson Centre, Shell Hall, Onikan, Lagos
DATE: 20th March, 2014
TIME: 8:00am.
